Megahits 5
Megahits 5 (1994)(GTI - Rhein-Main-Soft)(DE)(Disc 2 of 2)[!].iso
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201 lines
TreeGrow V1.0 © 1992 by PARADISE SOFT FREEWARE
TreeGrow is FREEWARE, you can copy it to everyone as long as you don't take
more than $5, 8DM or equivalent for the disk containing TreeGrow and all
important files are included. These files are :
Filename size/bytes discription
libs (DIR)
ilbm.library 6920 used to save pictues ¹
req.library 18012 the filerequester ²
4868 used by DICE ³
10428 used by DICE ³
sources (DIR)
TreeGrow.c 29674 the C-source of TreeGrow
TreeGrowGadgets.h 6742 the gadget structures
TreeGrowGfx.h 4049 the graphics
ilbmLCglue.o 3436 glue for ilbm.library !
reqLCglue.o 1540 glue for req.library ²
MakeTree.sh 58 script to compile TreeGrow
TreeGrow 33080 the program itself
TreeGrow.info 866
TreeGrow.doc 6257 this file
TreeGrow.doc.info 2567
TreeGrow.lib ---- the TreeGrow library NO COPYRIGHT
InstallLibs 713 script to install libraries
InstallLibs.info 1012
All files are © by PARADISE SOFT except :
¹ : © by Jeff Glatt
² : © by Colin Fox and Bruce Dawson
³ : © by Matthew Dillon
libs/mathieeedoubbas.library and
libs/mathieeedoubtrabs.library from your WorkBench are needed, too.
TreeGrow was compiled with DICE 2.06.40 © by Matthew Dillon.
I'am not resonsible for any damages caused by TreeGrow.
You are not allowed to release any changed versions of TreeGrow, neither
with your name nor mine. Sourcefiles are included for learning purpose
only. If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please send me the
corrected code.
PARADISE SOFT : Benjamin Stegemann
Kiwittsmoor 32
2000 Hamburg 62
TreeGrow is a program which generates quasifractal trees or plants. Since
only a couple interations are done, they are not really fractal. I found
the idea in "Spectrum der Wissenschaft", the german release of "Scientific
The interations are done on strings. The strings consist of eight different
characters :
- '0' : draw a line straight forward.
- '1' : like '0', but draws a leave at the end of the line.
- '2' : like '1', but with a red flower.
- '3' : like '1', but with a yellow flower.
- '\' : turn left and begin a new branch.
- '/' : turn right and begin a new branch.
- '[' : turn left or right and begin a new branch.
- ']' : finishes the actual branch and continues drawing where
the branch began.
At each interation '0', '1', '2' and '3' are replaced by a defined string.
For example :
'0' -> '1[0]1[0]0'
'1' -> '12'
'2' -> '2'
'3' -> '3'
If the initializer was '01' the first generations will be :
'0 1'
| |
The secons generation will be :
'1 [0 ]1 [0 ]0 1 2'
| | | | | | |
and so on...
As you can see, after a few generations the strings becomes quite large !
If the specified number of generations are done, the tree will be drawn.
The best way of understanding this procedure is simply trying it.
When you start TreeGrow a window will be opened and the library will be
loaded. There are several gadgets visible in the window :
'Init' : Here you enter the initializer.
'0 ->' : The string which replaces a '0' in each interation.
'1 ->' : The string which replaces a '1' in each interation.
'2 ->' : The string which replaces a '2' in each interation.
'3 ->' : The string which replaces a '3' in each interation.
'Size' : The length in pixel of the first line.
'Rate' : The percentage how long will be the next drawn line. If you enter
'100' every line will be as long as in 'Size' specified. With
'50' every line will be halve as long (50%) as the previous line.
'Angle' : The range of the angle which is used, when an '\', '/' or '['
occures. The actual angle is a random value in this range. The
values are entered in degree. '30 to 40' turns a rondom angle
between 30 and 40 degrees to the left or right.
'Generations' : The number of generations which are created, before the
tree is drawn.
'Start' : Start the generation and drawing of the tree. A highres-interlace
screen will be opened and the tree will be drawn. Press the right
mousebutton to interrupt the drawing. If the drawing is completed
press the left mousebutton to return to the main window.
'Save' : If there is already a drawn tree, you can save it using this
gadget. The file is a standart IFF file.
'Name' : If you want to add the actual tree to the library, you have to
enter it's name in this gadget.
'Save' : Save the library to the current directory. When you exit TreeGrow
the library won't be saved !!
'Add' : Add the actual tree to the library. the containings of all gadgets
are saved.
'Del' : Remove the highlighted tree in the list below these gadgets from
the library. BE CAREFUL !! Select the name using the two arrows.
'Use' : Load the parameters of the highlighted tree in the list into the
TreeGrow needs some libraries to run. These are
- ilbm.library
- req.library
- mathieeesingbas.library
- mathieeesingtrans.library
If they are not already in the current LIBS: directory TreeGrow won't
start. Start InstallLibs to copy them to the LIBS: directory.
Pink says : "Goodbye.."
21-Dec-1992 Hamburg